"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
My Boog Pages
Sunday, December 5
Youth - Stranger Than Fiction
Yesterday was my wife's birthday, so we took the kids to her brother's so we could have a date. "Dates are disgusting!" said my 5-year-old daughter. "I hope I NEVER have a date!" We're hoping she keeps that opinion until she's 30 or so.
A little while later she said, "Mommy, don't you wish you were me?" When my wife said that she was quite happy being who she was, with a wonderful husband, three great kids, etc., my daughter replied, "But if you were me, you'd be pretty! And you could have fun!" A good way to start the evening.
We ended up seeing National Treasuer, which defines the term "lightweight" but was actually pretty good. It's as if some Hollywood type said, "An adventure movie? Great! But where, we've already used every corner of the earth!"
And the wise, all-knowing screenwriter said, "Why not right here?" A good-natured movie, with a few exciting bits. Not a bad way to pass an evening.
Programming Note: Bob Tinsley is best known among mystery fans as the writer behind the "Jack Brady, Border Detective" series set in El Paso. He's got a new blog, "The Short Of It", dedicated to reviewing short fiction, and I've added him to the blogroll. Be sure to check it out.